AdvoLogix Help


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AdvoLogix provides a rich set of functionality allowing organizations to accurately record the time spent while in the performance of their work efforts. Timekeeping is incorporated throughout the AdvoLogix workflow and can be managed from both desktop and mobile user experiences.

1. Basic Elements of Timekeeping

There are three basic data elements related to tracking time in AdvoLogix. These elements support the standard platform customization features and are available for analysis within Reports and Dashboards. 

1.1. Time

The Time record is the primary element of the Timekeeping system and is used to save the information relative to a Time entry. An example of the type of information recorded in the Time record includes the Timekeeper, Matter, Hours Spent, Description and Rate.

1.2. Timekeepers

Timekeepers are the individuals performing the work related to a Time entry. Timekeepers are generally Users within the AdvoLogix system however Timekeepers may also be a Contact. In most cases, when entering Time in AdvoLogix the Timekeeper will automatically be defaulted to the current User.

1.3. Rates

Rates are relevant for those organizations wishing to associate an hourly value with the time spent. Depending on your organizational use case, Rates can be hidden from end users or disabled altogether.

For those organizations with the appropriate use case(s), AdvoLogix supports a rich set of functionality for determining the default Rate. Rates can be determined by Timekeeper, Matter, Currency and various combinations.  

Please see this article for more details regarding default Rates.

Though not required, Time entries are usually associated with a Matter, especially for billing purposes. 

2. Entering Time

AdvoLogix supports several methods for creating new Time records:

2.1. Standard Time Form

The default method to record Time is to create a single Time entry using the standard entry form. Recording Time can be invoked from the following areas within the application: 

  • New Time from the Time primary list
  • New Time from the Time related list on the Matter page layout
  • New Time from the Matter Calendar (when enabled)
  • Create Time from a running timer
  • Create New Time in the Classic interface Sidebar
  • Create Time from the Time menu option in Lightning Experience
  • Create Time from the global action menu in Lightning Experience and the mobile app

2.2. Weekly Timesheet

The Timesheet is designed to allow individual Timekeepers to quickly review, update and create new Time entries for a given work week. In addition to data entry, the Timesheet provides a quick summary of the Timekeeper's daily and weekly metrics.  

Please see this article for more details regarding the Weekly Timesheet.

2.3. Batch Time Entry

Batch Time Entry provides the ability to quickly enter several Time entries from a single dialog. This method works especially well when adding multiple records for the same Timekeeper and or the same Matter.  

Please see this article for more details regarding the Weekly Timesheet.

2.4. Logging Time from Tasks, Events and Documents

In some cases it may be advantageous to quickly record time while working on a specific Task, Event or Document record. To this end AdvoLogix provides a checkbox on these entry forms labeled "Log Time". When the checkbox is enabled, users have the opportunity to entry the amount of Time associated with the activity.  The Time record will be automatically created using the relevant information (Description, Matter, etc) from the underlying activity record.

3. Using Timers

Timers are considered a prelude to formally memorializing a Time entry, allowing individual Timekeepers to track their work in context with their AdvoLogix workflow.

3.1. Multi Timer

The Multi Timer provides Timekeepers with the ability to manage multiple time tracking objectives and can be deployed in a variety of ways within both the desktop and mobile user experiences. Each timer is persistently stored in the organization's cloud data and follows the user from location to location and device to device without losing time tracking continuity.  For instance, a timer can be started at the office while working from a computer browser, the same user can then leave the office, open the AdvoLogix mobile app and continue to work with the timers without losing continuity.  

Please see this article for more details regarding the Multi Timer.

The Quick Timer is a component designed for use in the sidebar of the Classic user interface. Unlike the Multi Timer, the Quick Timer only supports a single instance of time tracking and is not persistent from the desktop to mobile experience. This timer will eventually become obsolete as organizations migrate to the Lightning Experience where the Multi Timer functionality is far superior.

3.3. Salesforce Mobile Application Timer

The Mobile Timer is a component designed for use in the Salesforce mobile application user interface. Unlike the Multi Timer and similar to the Quick Timer, the Mobile Timer only supports a single instance of time tracking and is not persistent from the desktop to mobile experience. It is important to note, the Multi Timer is also available on mobile devices in the Salesforce experience.  

Please see this article for more details regarding the Salesforce Mobile Application Timer.

4. Time Reporting and Analysis

AdvoLogix provides several useful ways to analyze Timekeeping metrics.

4.1. Reports and Dashboards

The platform report and dashboard capabilities provide an excellent way to capture Time analytics for a variety of use cases. For example weekly and monthly reports and dashboards can produce metrics by Timekeeper, Matter, Classification or a combination thereof. 

4.2. Actual vs Budget

Organizations have the option to implement Budgets for each Matter. When implemented, analytics can be displayed for each Matter providing a quick assessment of the budgeted versus actual Time and Expense entries.  

Please see this article for more details regarding Actual vs Budget analytics.

4.3. Billing Preview

The Billing Preview is useful for obtaining an immediate perspective on Time and Expenses relative to each Account, Matter and across the entire organization. Though the component has been designed to work in conjunction with accounting integrations, organizations will find the functionality quite useful for reviewing Time and Expense metrics at the Account and Matter levels.  

Please see this article for more details regarding the Billing Preview.

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