AdvoLogix Help

Files & Content Panel (legacy)

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The Files & Content panel is a document management interface that can be added to your matter page layout and can be used for managing matter related files and content. New documents can be uploaded via drag-n-drop or the file selection dialog. Quickly access the file preview, versioning information and much more.

The information in this article applies to the Files & Content panel functionality available in the Classic user experience.  Please see this article for details regarding the functionality in Lightning.

What file operations are available?

What file operations are available?
  1. Click the icon to quickly preview a document..

  2. Clicking the title will open the classic Salesforce file dialog.

  3. The file context menu provides access to the following functionality.
    • Edit the document properties.
    • View the file details (same as clicking Title)
    • Download the file
    • Upload a new version of the file
    • Preview the file (same as clicking icon)
    • View the file's version history
    • Delete the file from the system
    • Manage the file sharing options

Use the checkbox adjacent to the file's title to select multiple to download. Selected files will be packaged in a single ZIP.

How does the sidebar filter work?

How does the sidebar filter work?


  1. The content filters are simple and intuitive. By default, everything is selected. To select one or more items simply select the checkbox next to the items name.

  2. Use search titles to quickly find the title of one or more documents matching your search criteria. 

When Content has been enabled (in AdvoLogix Setup), the Tags filter and list column will be replaced with Libraries.

How can I see more files?

How can I see more files?
  1. Use the Show more options to display more files in the panel.

  2. Selecting the Go to list option displays a full page of files. This option also exposes additional sidebar filter metrics and is capable of displaying a large number of files.

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