AdvoLogix Help

Legal Hold API

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The AdvoLogix Legal Hold API callback function allows administrators and integrators the ability to extend the process of placing a matter on legal hold with custom functionality. This may be especially useful when integrating with third party systems.

In short, a callback function is waiting for a specific action to take place before executing. In the case of this function, the callback will be executed when a matter is placed on or removed from legal hold.

The Legal Hold Callback Function accepts a single string parameter passed to the function when a matter is placed on legal hold. This parameter is JSON formatted and includes 1) a list of matter record identifiers with respective legal hold status flag, 2) a success or failure flag and 3) the result message confirming execution success or failure (with error message details).

Sample Parameter

{ recordsList: [{ recordId: "a0N9000000NLlXXEA1", status: "Legal Hold Added" }, { recordId: "a0N9000000NLlPQEA1", status: "Legal Hold Removed" }], success: "TRUE", result: "The Legal Hold processing has been completed successfully." }


The list of matter identifiers with a ‘status’ identifying whether the list of matters have been added to legal hold or removed from legal hold.  Each object in the list has the following attributes:

  1. recordId
    The record id of the matter processed for legal hold (added or removed from legal hold).
  2. status
    Identifies the legal hold status action that was taken. Legal hold was either added or removed.

Will be TRUE/FALSE (True = Legal hold processing was successful, False = Legal hold processing encountered an error). You will normally only perform an action when the success value is TRUE.

Error message (when applicable).

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