AdvoLogix Help

Using an Enhanced Form

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When an Enhanced Form is placed on a lightning page, the chosen field set will display the fields in a dynamic record form that supports:

  • the fields be displayed into specified number of columns.
  • marking the fields as required within the field set.
  • displaying the field in a section that can optionally be made collapsible.

Each field displayed in the enhanced form recognizes and displays an inline edit icon based on the user's permission to edit that field and record. Clicking on the pencil icon will render the entire form into an editable form where users can make changes and save the record data.

Some known limitations exist when using the enhanced form on any page:

  • Fields can only be displayed as part of a field set from the object.
  • Field sets should only contain fields from the object the component is placed on. It does not support displaying fields from any related field's object.
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