AdvoLogix Help

Manage Parties⚡Component

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AdvoLogix provides the ability to easily manage parties determined as representatives or plaintiffs within your matter. The Manage Parties lightning component allows you to perform management tasks rather easily.

AdvoLogix recommends using either the Manage Parties component or the Parties related list but not both.  However, our custom component provides more control in a customized way for end users that the standard related list does not.

What are parties within your matter?

Parties within a matter typically refer to the individuals, organizations, or entities involved or participating in a legal matter, dispute, or any other significant matter.  AdvoLogix categorizes parties within your matter as:

  • Representatives - These are partners or interested parties who hold a claim to the contingency amount held by the firm. 
  • Plaintiffs - These are the member(s) represented by the firm who hold a claim to their share of the settlement amount. 

Manage Parties Lightning Component

The Manage Parties lightning component provides a singular view to manage both representatives and plaintiffs easily.

From left to right, the column headings and the action buttons are described as follows:

  1. Name - Provides identity to the party within the matter and can be populated based on the selected account, contact, user or participant value.
  2. Account - Identifies an account within your organization.
  3. Contact - Identifies a contact within your organization.
  4. Role - Identifies the role associated with the party within this matter.
  5. Settlement Split - Refers to the distribution or allocation of the settlement amount (as a percentage) among the parties involved in the matter.
  6. Total Disbursement - Refers to the distribution or allocation of the settlement amount (as a currency) among the parties involved in the matter.
  7. Paid - Identifies the party payment of the total disbursement has been completed.
  8. Search - Input control allows searching for a party.
  9. Refresh - Action button to reload the parties list with the latest data changes.
  10. New - Action button to create a new party within your matter.
  11. Select Participant - Action button to choose a participant from your matter to be added as a party. For more details, follow this link.
  12. Batch Edit and Splits - Action button provides a way to easily distribute the Settlement Split among the parties. For more details, follow this link.
  13. Delete - Action button to select multiple parties and delete them from the list.

Select Participants And Add as Party

  1. Select a Record Type for the selected participants to be added as party within your matter.
  2. Enable this option to update the Settlement Splits evenly distributed across all the parties of the selected record type within your matter.
  3. Shows the list of all the Participants within your matter.
  4. Search - Input to search within the participants list.
  5. Refresh - Action button to load the participants list with the latest data.
  6. Save - Action to add all the selected participants from the list as parties within the matter.

Batch Edit and Splits

  1. Select a Record Type to filter the list of parties.
  2. Provide a Name for the party.
  3. Provide the Settlement Split (as a percentage) for the party.
  4. Enable the Paid checkbox, if the party has been paid with the settlement amount.
  5. Refresh - Action button to load the parties list with the latest data.
  6. Delete Selected - Action button to delete the selected parties.
  7. Save - Action to save all changes provided in the parties list.
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